Saltwater Conversion


What is the real difference between a Saltwater Pool and a Chlorine Pool?

Salt water is more comfortable for bathers. Don't be fooled into thinking that there is no chlorine in these pools. There is. However, in a salt water pool, the level of chlorine needed is lower and the pH level can be a bit higher. That means the pool water does not cause burning, itching, dry skin, or green hair. It also smells and tastes better.

These pools are less expensive to maintain. A salt water pool is cheaper over time because you do not have to add chlorine tablets to the water. Instead, you just add salt, generally just once at the beginning of the season. The salt water passes through an electrolysis process that charges the salt and creates natural chlorine on its own. The initial outlay for the equipment and salt has to be considered, but in only a few summers, it will pay for itself. No more purchasing expensive, hazardous and toxic chlorine products.

Salt water pools, in general, remain more stable because the system produces the chlorine sanitizer continuously whilst the filtration is running, therefore it is not subject to the fluctuations associated with manual dosing. Once you learn the system, you can easily control it, even when you go away on holiday by setting up a timer to dose the pool appropriately. However, be aware that you'll still have to check the water for pH levels as well as calcium levels.

Both salt water and chlorinated water are unhealthy for the environment. No one really wins the pool war when it comes to environmental concerns. While salt water may be a bit safer, it can still cause soil and drinking water problems, as well as kill sensitive plants around the pool. On the plus side, a salt pool option is safer for pets and for your family.

Please contact us for friendly advice and an estimate to convert your pool.

  Telephone: +33 (0)5 53 56 69 21

  Portable: +33 (0)6 83 65 16 05
